Vojvode Stepe 264/1, Voždovac
Phone: 0692224204
Mon-Fri 07-20; Saturday 07-18
How to order on our website

The ordering process is very simple.

Find the product or products you want to order

As an example, we chose our best-selling cake, Kinder .

You can choose the shape and weight for this cake, once you have done this you will be able to click the “Add to Cart” button

(Different products have different options, which you can choose during the order)


When you add a product to the cart, you will see a notification that the product has been successfully added to the cart.

Also, you will see a change in the indicator, the number of products you have in the basket will appear.

If you want to see your basket, click on the “View basket” button

In the basket we see the Kinder cake we have chosen.

If you want to confirm your order, click on the button “Continue with payment” and you will see the confirmation page.

Shipping cost:

  • up to 5 km, 400 dinars
  • from 5km to 10km – 80 dinars per km
  • from 10 km to 20 km – 70 dinars per km
  • from 20 km – 60 dinars per km

After you enter your information, we will see the order and contact you about the delivery details.

Војводе Степе 264/1, Вождовац
Тел: 0692224204
Пон-Пет 07-20ч (пауза 15-17ч); Субота 07-15ч

Бул. Михајла Пупина 10д,
Нови Београд

Тел: 0692224304
Пон-Пет 09-17ч; Субота 09-15ч

Product categories